Insert the backup battery before connecting the unit to your modular rack
The module uses a standard 3v lithium backup battery, type CR2032. Insert the provided battery or
a comparable battery into the battery compartment as shown below. The battery is needed to keep
recordings and settings stored when the Eurorack case is turned off.
Make sure the anode (+) points outwards ! Otherwise you destroy the SRAM !
2.4 Module backside
Socket for backup battery
3V Typ CR2032
Switches for input levels
- Modular level CV or Audio (default)
- Position AUDIO: +6db Audio line level (only audio!)
Fade channel X1
There are two slide switches on the underside of the module for setting the input sensitivity of the
XFader inputs. The AUDIO switch position means that the input can be used as an audio input with
+6dB amplification for external line levels. In this case the input cannot be used as a CV input. In the
other switch position, the module processes CV or audio levels of +/-5v (modular level).
There is also a socket for the storage backup battery.
Please note the information below!
Fade channel X2