Integrated Control Equipment Curo
Supply air unit VEKA
Fläkt Woods
9965 GB 2016.09.27
Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
4.7 SChEdulES, Cont.
SinglE dAtE SChEdulE (1-4)
A single date schedule is defined as a one-off schedule that
automati cally starts and finishes on the same date.
The unit must be switched off on 6 June.
dAtE pEriod SChEdulE (1-4)
A date period schedule is defined as a one-off schedule that is
configured to run between any two dates.
The unit must be switched off between 24 December and
26 December.
remember to enable the desired time channels
by pressing
4. Control pAnEl, opErAtionS, CommiSSioning