Supply air unit VEKA
Integrated Control Equipment Curo
Fläkt Woods
9965 GB 2016.09.27
Specifications are subject to alteration without notice
4.4 dAtE And timE, lAnguAgE
4. Control pAnEl, opErAtionS, CommiSSioning
To enter the settings menu:
1. Push the gear cog button.
2. Push the spanner button.
3. In this menu you set the date, time and language. It is also
possible for installers and service personnel to log in and
access additional parameters.
2 Set the time and press the Confirm button
1. Set the date and press the Confirm button.
ChooSE lAnguAgE
1. Choose the appropriate language flag and press
the Confirm button.
Note, further language flags are available after pressing the right
arrow icon. Not all translations are available.