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User manual, Revision 2.0
Changing the electrospray liquid
During this operation, the electrospray voltage must be set to zero and the
pressure of the electrospray vial holder must be set to zero.
If the spray voltage is on, set it to zero.
See section ‘Stopping the electrospray´ for more details.
If the MS is acquiring, set the MS to stand-by mode. Refer to the user manual of your mass
spectrometer for this. If the vial holder is pressurized, depressurize it. For this, make sure that
the syringe is not connected to the syringe port and open the syringe valve 2 (up position).
It is very important to make sure that the electrospray liquid and
the vial holder are free from contamination. Always use gloves when manipulating
them, and make sure that all surfaces are very clean and free from any contamination
that could affect your measurements. If the vial holder or the electrospray liquid is
contaminated, the background of your measurements will be affected until you clean
the vial or change to a new liquid.
If required, the electrospray vial holder can be removed before changing the electrospray liquid.
For this, take the vial holder, and pull gently towards you. Before removing the vial holder, make
sure that the silica capillary is not simultaneously attached to the vial holder and the
electrospray probe.
Figure 11. Removing Vial Holder.
*The figure may differ from the latest design.
Use a horizontal and clean surface to place and store the Vial Holder. Always place the Vial
Holder vertically as shown in figure 12.