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User manual, Revision 2.0
Press Enter. Once the new set point is entered, the PID changes the power accordingly to
reach the new desired temperature.
Wait until the Actual Temperature (displayed at the left part of the controller) reach the
chosen set point value.
Figure 20. Temperature controller
The SUPER SESI has certain thermal inertia. In particular, the
electrospray prove might take some extra time to reach the new temperature.
Although the reading of the actual temperature might indicate that the new set-point
has been reached, reaching a uniform temperature might take some extra time. It is
recommended to allow at least 30 min to ensure that the temperature in the ionization
chamber and the electrospray probe is uniform when the temperature is changed.
Hot Surface. At operating temperatures, the ionization chamber can be very
hot. Be careful when setting a high temperature and allow enough time for the
temperature to be reduced before touching any surface after reducing the set value to
safe temperatures.
The temperature control settings are locked to make sure that the SUPER SESI
is operated always within safe operation parameters. Do not unlock the temperature
control. Doing this could lead to temperature control errors and to serious damage to
the instrument.
Adjusting the clean gas flow and the sample gas flow
SUPER SESI uses the flows provided by the mass spectrometer. The SHEATH
GAS is used to pressurize the vial to create the electrospray. The clean gas at the ionizer
is provided by the AUX GAS, and it is used in the interface between the SUPER SESI and
the mass spectrometer to focus the ions toward the mass spectrometer inlet. We call it
clean gas because is filtered by an activated carbon filter just before the flow enters in
the Ionization Chamber.
Adjusting the flows of SUPER SESI is very important. The Mass Flow Controller (MFC) allows a
very fine control of the flows in the ionization region, that results in very stable and optimized
signals. The MFC is located at the end of the Exhaust pipe on the right side of SUPER SESI.