14 through 20-Inch Design V150 and V300
4. When removing the lever (do not loosen the actua-
tor turnbuckle adjustment), remove the actuator
mounting screws and nuts (keys 23 and 24), and re-
move the actuator. (If necessary, refer to the actuator
instruction manual for assistance.)
5. If necessary, remove the bonding strap assembly
before attempting to remove the packing (see figure
6. Remove the packing flange and nuts and packing
follower (keys 20, 40, and 17).
If the valve is equipped with the ENVIRO-SEAL pack-
ing system, refer to the
ENVIRO-SEAL Packing Sys-
tem for V-Line and edisc Rotary Valves instruction
manual for disassembly.
7. Remove the packing parts (key 16 packing set in-
cludes additional key numbers) by making a formed
wire hook with a sharp end. Pierce the rings with the
sharp end of the hook in order to remove them. Do not
scratch the drive shaft or packing box wall; scratching
these surfaces could cause leakage. Clean all acces-
sible metal parts and surfaces to remove particles that
would prevent the packing from sealing. (Note: Metal
packing parts are not provided in the packing set).
If the valve is equipped with the ENVIRO-SEAL pack-
ing system, refer to the
ENVIRO-SEAL Packing Sys-
tem for V-Line and edisc Rotary Valves instruction
manual for assembly.
1. Install the new packing parts using the parts se-
quence shown in figure 3.
2. Insert the packing follower and packing flange
(keys 17 and 40) and secure them with the packing
follower nuts (key 20). Tighten the nuts far enough to
stop leakage during operating conditions.
If the valve is equipped with a bonding
strap assembly (figure 4), re-install the
3. Reconnect the actuator and lever in accordance
with the orientations that were noted in step 3 of the
disassembly procedures. If necessary, use figure 7 to
identify the correct index marks.
4. If necessary, refer to the appropriate actuator
instruction manual to complete actuator assembly and
5. When the control valve is in operation, check the
packing follower for leakage and retighten the packing
follower nuts (key 20) as necessary.
Ball Seal Replacement
Perform this procedure if the control valve is not shut-
ting off properly or if seal inspection is necessary. Re-
move the actuator/valve assembly from the pipeline.
The actuator may remain mounted on the valve during
the ball seal inspection and replacement procedures.
Ball seal assembly details (with key numbers) are also
shown in figure 5. Upon inspection, if it is found that
the V-notch ball, drive shaft, or bearings need to be
replaced, use this procedure to remove the ball seal.
Then, proceed to the V-notch Ball and Bearing Mainte-
nance procedures to replace the V-notch ball, bear-
ings, or shafts. After completing the other procedure,
return to this procedure and begin with the assembly
of the ball seal steps.