Adjusting the Lower Oven Burner Minimum
1. Turn on the burner by setting the oven dial the highest temperature setting.
2. Remove the dial and unscrew the by-pass screw
about three times by passing a small flat screwdriver (Ø1/8”
(3mm) blade, 3 15/16” (100mm) length) through the panel opening.
3. Re-mount the dial and let the oven heat up for about 10 minutes, then bring the dial to the lowest temperature
setting. to operate the thermostat by-pass.
4. Remove the dial again. Taking care not to turn the tap rod, slowly screw the by-pass screws
until you obtain
a flame of 1/8–5/32” (3–4mm) in height. The flame should not go out even when passing suddenly from
maximum to minimum flame.
For LP/PROPANE gas the by-pass screw must be fixed thoroughly.
Updated: Wed, 01 Dec 2021 11:49:07 GMT
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