Maintenance Instructions
Kapitel/Chapter 7: Maintenance Instructions - Seite/Page 103
7.13 The raw water circuit
7.13.1 Clean raw water filter
Fig. 7.13.1-1: Raw water filter
The raw water filter should be released regularly from
arrears. In each case the water cock must be closed before.
It is mostly sufficient to beat the filter punnet.
If water should seep through the cover of the raw water filter,
this may be sealed in no case with adhesive or sealant.
Rather must be searched for the cause for the leakage. In the
simplest case the sealing ring between caps and filter
holders must be exchanged.
7.14 Causes with frequent impeller waste
The impeller of the cooling water pump must be regarded as wearing part. The life span of the impeller can be
extremely different and exclusively depends on the operating conditions. The cooling water pumps of the PANDA
generators are laid out in such a way that the number of revolutions of the pump lies low compared with other
gensets. This is for the life span of the pump a positive effect. Unfavourable affects the life span of the impeller, if the
cooling water sucking in way is relatively long or the supply is handicapped, so that the cooling water sucking in
range develops a negative pressure. This can reduce first of all the power of the cooling water pump extremely that
the wings of the impeller are exposed to very strong loads. This can shorten the life span extremely. Further the
operation of the impeller pump loaded in waters with a high portion of suspended matters. The use of the impeller
pump is particularly critical in coral water bodies. Cases are well-known, which a impeller pump had so strongly run
after 100 hours already that the lip seal on the wave was ground in. In these cases sharp crystal parts of the coral
sand assess in the rubber seal and affect like an abrasive the high-grade steel shank of the impeller pump. If the
generator were mounted over the water level it is particularly unfavourable for the impeller pump. After the first start
some seconds will pass by, until the impeller can suck in cooling water. This short unlubricated operation time
damages the impeller. The increased wear can lead after short time to the loss. (see special notes: "Effects on the
impeller pump, if the generator is mounted over the waterline")