WARNING: Selection of this control for a particular application should be made by a com-
petent professional, licensed by a state or other government agency. Inappropriate application
of this product could result in an unsafe condition hazardous to life and property.
Fireye® Modular M-Series II Flame Safeguard Controls are compact, modular burner management
systems for intermittent operation. They are designed to provide automatic ignition and continuous
flame monitoring for commercial sizes of heating and process burners that use gas and/or light oil
Flame monitoring is accomplished by miniature UV scanners or Flame Rod detectors and plug-in
amplifier and programmer modules which connect into a standard chassis and wiring base. Inter-
changeable programmer and amplifier modules allow for complete versatility in selection of control
function, timing, and flame scanning means. Functions such as re-ignition or non-recycle are deter-
mined by the programmer module. Type of flame scanner (UV or Flame Rod) and Flame Failure
Response Time (F.F.R.T.) are determined by the amplifier module.
LED indicator lights on all programmer modules indicate the operating status of the control.
In the event of ignition failure, or following a safety shutdown, the unit locks out, activating an
alarm circuit. Manual reset is required. Remote reset (via remote pushbutton or power interruption)
is available on the MC120RE and MC230R chassis. A detailed description of the various program-
mer modules is found later in this document. Test jacks are provided to permit flame signal measure-
ment during operation.
Modular M-Series II controls incorporate a safety checking circuit that is operative on each start. If
flame (real or simulated) is detected prior to a start or during the purge, the fuel valves will not be
energized, and the unit will lock out.
The Modular M-Series II controls use the same wiring base as the Fireye UVM and TFM Controls
and are designed to be interchangeable with most models without rewiring. See INSTALLATION
OF CONTROL, SCANNERS, AND FLAME DETECTORS for temperature and wiring require-
MARCH 22, 2007