Fiorenzato | Cod. AllGround_001 Ed. 01/2021
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Supply cable status check
check the power cable.
With the cable disconnected from the power outlet,
visually check, as well as checking with your
hands, that the plug and protective sheath are not
damaged and that the wires are not exposed.
If damage is found to the
power cord, have it replaced by a specialist
repair service.
Thorough cleaning of the grinders
clean the grinders thoroughly.
The grinders must be thoroughly cleaned at least
every 6 months (or sooner if deemed necessary),
using products specifically designed to clean grinders,
which are easily available on the market (e.g. PULY
GRIND detergent for coffee grinders).
• Thorough cleaning must be done once normal
cleaning has been completed, with the machine
emptied of coffee and without the supply hopper.
• Clean the grinders by pouring a dose of product
into the grinding chamber (completely empty)
and then starting the grinding cycles until the
product is completely ground. During grinding,
the product (in grains or crystals) regenerates the
grinders, completely removing any coffee deposits,
encrustations, moulds and fatty deposits from their
surfaces, absorbing the oil and destroying any
rancid part without leaving residues.
In this way, the grinders are regenerated without
the need to disassemble them.