Fiorenzato | Cod. AllGround_001 Ed. 01/2021
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1.2 General information on the manual and its consultation
Read this instruction manual carefully before installing and using the
Coffee Grinder produced by Fiorenzato M.C. S.r.l.
This instruction manual has been prepared in accordance with Directive 2006/42/EC
and provides all the information useful to the end user to install and use the
Coffee Grinder produced by Fiorenzato M.C. S.r.l.
The contents of this manual must be read and understood in their entirety before
installing and using the coffee grinder and the manual must be stored and kept in good
condition to allow future consultation.
The images, data, texts and descriptions contained in this documentation are the
property of Fiorenzato M.C. S.r.l. and reflect the state of the art of the machine at the
time of its release on the market.
Fiorenzato M.C. S.r.l. is constantly seeking new solutions to improve
its products and therefore reserves the right to make changes to the
coffee grinder and to its documentation over time without considering
the products already sold as being inadequate and/or obsolete.
Consultation of this manual is assisted by a general index that facilitates identification of
the topic of interest and by a series of information symbols that draw the user’s attention
to the contents of particular interest for the purpose of their safety and correct use of the
coffee grinder.
1.3 Symbols used in the manual
It indicates a warning or important note relating to
specific functions and/or to useful information for the user. Pay attention to
the paragraphs marked with this symbol.
Generic warning sign. The text marked
with this symbol indicates that failure to follow the instructions provided may
cause damage to the machine and/or result in the risk of injury to the user.
Text marked with this symbol indicates
the possible risk of electrocution. Pay attention to the instructions provided.
The text
marked with this symbol indicates that the action described must be performed
by a specialist technician (technical assistance).