The scrubber machine width can be adjusted , 70 cm. to 80 cm.
This operation can be done only if the different brushes ,brush covering cater and the
Scrubbing width adjustment for Central brushes version:
Extract the main key from the control dashboard in order to avoid any accident.
Remove the brush covering cater as per explanation n(brush replacement).
Modify the width of the two brush plates by operating on the adjustment lever placed on the
lower side of the machine(Fig. 11); The lever must be lifted up lightly in order to unhooked
itself from its standard position ,move and lower it from left to right position or in the other
Put the brushes of the wished size (brush Ø 340mm for 70 cm version., brush Ø 390 mm for 80
cm. version).
Put the brush covering carter (the left brush covering carter remains the same for both versions,
the right ones must be replaced).
Replace the squeegee and put the one wished.
Fig. 11
Scrubbing width adjustment for front brushes version:
Extract the main key from the control dashboard in order to avoid any accident.
Remove the brush covering carter and the brushes as per above description(brush replacement).
Modify the width of the two brush plate by operating on the adjustment lever placed on the
front side of the machine (Fig. 12);The lever must be lifted up lightly in order to unhooked itself
from its standard position ,move and lower it from left to right position or in the other hand.
Put the brushes of wished size (brush Ø 340mm for 70 cm. version, brush Ø 390 for 80 cm
Put the brush covering carter.
Replace the squeegee and put the one wished .
brushes plate
bracket to fix the adjustment plate
adjustment lever