Rotar Plus 20-25 Easytronic - Cod.197AA2702 - Edition 00 01/2004
All compressor power-on-and-off procedures are controlled by the machine power unit. Furthermore, it signals possible
machine problems and gives information on the operation times and servicing times.
1) Display
on which information is displayed.
2) OK key:
press confirm (see Modifiable Parameters)
3) Direction keys:
to scroll the options of the menu
4) Alarm light
if the light turns on and compressor possibly stops, it means that maintenance service is needed or a failure in
the system has occurred. Refer to Alarm messages to identify proper service.
5) Reset key:
to stop the alarm (see Alarm Messages)
6) ON/I key:
to power the machine on.
The machine power-on cycle is divided into three phases.
wait for power-on the (STAND_BY) message is displayed. If compressor was switched off, 15 seconds are required before
the cycle is started; otherwise compressor remains on stand-by until pressure transducer requires air.
Starting: compressor power-on in the star mode: the (LOADLESS)message is displayed
Working cycle: shift from star mode to delta mode after five seconds.
After two seconds, if required by transducer, the load solenoid valve is excited and (LOAD) message is displayed.
Note: This cycle is for compressors with a remote starter. Direct start compressors start immediately after (STAND-BY) phase.
7) OFF/0 key:
to power the machine off.
Load solenoid valve is disabled, loadless cycle starts, blinking (LOADLESS) message is displayed, once loadless cycle is over
compressor stops and off message is displayed.
8) Emergency stop switch:
to stop compressor only in case of actual need.
9) Functioning diagram/ maintenance operations
Automatic mode
The compressor operation is controlled by the pressure transducer, which stops the machine when the max. pressure
value is reached and starts it again after the pressure has decreased to the min. set value.
However, the machine stop is of the delayed type, that is it does not occur exactly at the same time when the max. pressure
value is reached but after a certain time, during which no air is taken (see no. 7 of above paragraph).
Standard setting is 20 seconds, but it is recommended to check that number of start-ups per hour does NOT exceed max
number of 10. Should it be a higher value, it is recommended to set longer loadless operation time (see no. 7, Modifiable
The User should install a pressure regulator downstream of the compressor to set the power line according to his/her needs.
The compressor can also be switched on or off using the remote control optional software (remote control will be active
only if the control unit at the machine is set to ON).
This function can also be managed through the remote terminal on the terminal box. In such case, manual controls will
be excluded. If the compressor starts up unexpectedly, persons happening to be nearby could be harmed or injured. With this
in mind, THIS USE IS GENERALLY NOT RECOMMENDED. The manufacturer will not be liable for any damages.
Any change must be carried out by a qualified technician.