Figure 10 - Pre-calibrated sensor module NGM2611
result, Figaro neither expressly nor impliedly
warrants the performance shown in Figure 9. If
a large difference between the expected and
actual performance of detectors is noticed, please
consult with Figaro.
Pre-calibrated sensor module
Figaro has available a pre-calibrated methane
sensor module NGM2611 (
see Fig. 10
). This
module includes the classified TGS2611 sensor,
a matched load resistor, and a factory preset
temperature compensation circuit, all on a small
PC board. The NGM2611 module is calibrated
for a typical set point at 10% LEL, achieving
performance as indicated in Figure 9 by simply
plugging it into a main PC board. Please refer
to the brochure “
Product Information for
” for detailed information.
Important Reminder
Without testing alarm threshold after final assembly,
detectors have no accuracy or reliability guarantee.
Figaro Engineering Inc.
1-5-11 Senba-nishi
Mino, Osaka 562-8505 JAPAN
Tel.: (81) 72-728-2561
Fax: (81) 72-728-0467
email: [email protected]
Figaro USA Inc.
3703 West Lake Ave. Suite 203
Glenview, IL 60025-1266 USA
Tel.: (1) 847-832-1701
Fax.: (1) 847-832-1705
Figaro USA Inc. and the manufacturer, Figaro
Engineering Inc. (together referred to as Figaro)
reserve the right to make changes without notice to
any products herein to improve reliability,
functioning or design. Information contained in this
document is believed to be reliable. However, Figaro
does not assume any liability arising out of the
application or use of any product or circuit described
herein; neither does it convey any license under its
patent rights, nor the rights of others.
Figaro's products are not authorized for use as critical
components in life support applications wherein a
failure or malfunction of the products may result in
injury or threat to life.