Fidelix FX-RP multiDISPLAY
Programming manual
page 26 of 38
Entrance control user panel
If “PIN” is specified in the link field of the object, PIN-Code entering dialog will be opened. This function is useable
only if DU-10 mode is activated (RFID reader mounted).
The FX-RP multiDISPLAY can be equipped with a RFID reader which activates DU-10 mode. If DU-10 mode is
activated the DISPLAY will communicate also as a DU-10 device using next Modbus address (If MULTI
DISPLAY has address 10, DU-10 will have address 11). If DU-10 mode is activated the FX-RP multiDISPLAY
can be used as an intruder alarm user panel.
Customising keypad buttons
Keypad buttons can be customised to make them match the project design. Custom buttons have to be exactly
65x35 pixels, except the OK button which has to be 135x35 pixels. Buttons should be saved as .png files and
located in a subfolder called “Buttons” in your project folder. The converter will add the custom buttons
automatically if files are found from Buttons folder. The file names indicate the function of the button and the
following names should be used:
The multiDISPLAY demo projects folder contains an example project folder named “Keypad example” that will
help you on your way.
Extended UTF-8-character support
The FX-RP multiDISPLAY supports UTF-8 characters, but only Latin characters are loaded by default. The
default character set includes following characters: “ ! \ " # $ % ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B
C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | }
~ ä ö å Ä Ö Å ° ”. If you need characters that are not included by default you can define a custom character set
by adding a “CharacterSet.txt” file to you project folder. Type all the required characters to CharacterSet.txt file,
including also the default characters if those are needed (save the file using UTF-8 format). Note that every
character takes some memory, so it is not recommended to define more characters than you need.
The multiDISPLAY demo projects folder contains an example project folder named “multi language example”
inside which the Chinese, Finnish and Russian project folders each contain an example file that will help you on
your way.