FIC MB05W Service Manual
FIC MB05 Service Manual
The normal charging time for the battery is around 3.5 hours when computer is turn off while it
should take around 8 hours when the computer is running. Running time of battery is around
4.5 hours.
DC-DC Module of Motherboard
The DC-DC module receives approximately 12VDC from the battery pack and uses this input
voltage to generate multiple regulated output voltages to provide power for all internal
notebook board assemblies.
LCD Inverter Board Assembly
The LCD Inverter Board Assembly is located in the LCD Panel Assembly. It converts the
+12VDC input directly from the Battery Pack into a high voltage AC output used to light the
CCFT (Cold-Cathode Fluorescent Tube).
4.16 Micro-P Subsystem (PMU-08)
The micro controller NEC PMU08 acts as a supplement for the power management control. It
supports many functions via the SMBus interface.
The system communicates with the PMU08 via the SMBus interface. The SMBus host should
be first initialized before starting the transaction. The following is the procedure for system
communication with PMU08:
1. Enable SMBus interface by writing 01h to SmbHstCfg register.
2. Get SMBus I/O port base address by reading from SmbBA register.
3. Clear SMBus status by writing 1Eh to SmbHstSts register.
4. Write the PMU07 slave address to SmbHstAdd register.
Send command to PMU08 -- Slave address is 04h.
Read data from PMU08 -- Slave address is 05h.
5. Write the desired command to SmbHstCmd register.
6. Write the desired parameters to SmbHstDat0 (High byte) and SmbHstDat1 (Low byte)
registers if the system wants to send command to PMU08.
7. Wait for SMBus interrupt occurred by monitoring SmbHstSts register INTR bit.
8. Get the desired data by reading from SmbHstDat0 (High byte) and SmbHstDat1 (Low
byte) registers if the system wants to read data from PMU08.
Features Summary of the Micro-P:
5 channels 8-bit analog to digital converter
Timer0: 8-bit tuner/counter with 8-bit prescaler
Timer1: 16-bit timer/counter. TMR1 can be incremented during sleep via external
Timer2: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit period register, prescaler and postscaler
Capture, Compare, PWM module
Synchronous Serial port (SSP) with SPI and I
Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART/SCI)
Brown-out detection circuitry for Brown-out Reset (BOR)
2K bytes program memory
128 bytes data memory
22 I/O pin
8 interrupt sources
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