8. Design and function
© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • LOGO! EduTrainer
TP 47
Switch on LOGO!/resumption of power supply
LOGO! Basic does not have a power switch.
LOGO! Basic behaviour during switch-on:
The LOGO! signals: No program Press ESC, if there is no program in
the LOGO! or in the plugged-in program module.
If there is a program in the program module, then this is
automatically copied to the LOGO!. Any program already in the
LOGO! is automatically overwritten.
If there is a program in the LOGO! or in the program module, then
the LOGO! reverts to the operating status prior to POWER SUPPLY
Detection of signals
Operating status change: 0
1 or 1
In order for the LOGO! to detect the new operating status, the operating
status 1 must be applied for at least one program cycle if the operating
status changes from 0 to 1.
The same applies if the operating status changes from 1 to 0. In this
case again, the operating status 0 must be applied for at least one
program cycle in order for the LOGO! to detect this operating status.
Additional information is available in the LOGO! manual.