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Festo 7CRDNGb_en
• Place the piston flat against the front side of the cylinder barrel and insert
the lip ring into the cylinder barrel by tilting and turning it slightly.
The sealing lip must not fold back against the inside of the piston.
Insert the piston fully into the cylinder barrel.
• Push the piston far enough into the cylinder barrel so that the first lip ring
protrudes slightly at the other end of the cylinder barrel.
Pull the piston rod back again until the piston is sitting fully in the cylinder
This approach ensures that the sealing lips of the two lip rings sit correctly in
the cylinder barrel.
Repairing and attaching the bearing and end caps
Remove the O-ring from the groove of the bearing cap and end cap (the rear
bearing cap on cylinders with through piston rod (S2 )).
Remove the piston rod seal from the bearing cap (the front and rear bearing
caps on cylinders with through piston rod (S2)).
Remove the cushioning seal from the bearing cap and end cap (the rear
bearing cap on cylinders with through piston rod (S2 )).
Only with CRDNG-125-…-PPV-A-S2
– Remove the sleeves with the cushioning seals from the bearing caps.
– Remove the O-rings behind the sleeves from the bearing caps.
– Remove the cushioning seals from the sleeves.
Check the plain bearing in the bearing cap (in the front and rear bearing caps
on cylinders with through piston rod (S2)) for visible damage that might
impair its function, such as deposits and scoring. The entire bearing cap
must be replaced if the plain bearing is showing significant damage.
Only when repairing the adjustable cushioning (PPV)
Proceed as described in chapter
4.5 "Repairing the adjustable end-position
cushioning (PPV)"
to repair the adjustable end-position cushioning.