4.01 Checks to be carried out before starting up for the first time
When starting the boiler up for the first time check:
• that the gate valves between the boiler and central heating systems are open;
• that the central heating system is filled and vented;
• that there are no gas or water leaks from the central heating system or boiler;
• that the electric connections are correct and the earth wire of the boiler is connected to an efficient
earthing installation and a 3amp. fuse is fitted to the isolator;
• that there are no flammable liquids or materials near the boiler;
4.02 Starting up the boiler
• Open the gas cock upstream of the boiler.
• Vent air present in the pipe upstream of the gas valve.
• Turn on the switch (if present) or plug in the boiler.
• Rotate the switch (fig. 2 - part 98) into the ON position.
• Check inlet working gas pressure, burner pressures and gas rate.
At this point, choose whether the boiler is to be used for central heating and domestic hot water
production or for domestic hot water production only. If the former is chosen (central heating and
domestic hot water production), turn the knob 63 (fig. 2) to the “Winter” position. Set the knob above
C and set the room thermostat (if fitted) to maximum. The burner ignites and the boiler starts to
function automatically, controlled by its control and safety devices.
If the latter is chosen (domestic hot water production only), position the knob 63 (fig. 2) on the “Summer”
position. In this mode the boiler is ready to operate automatically whenever domestic hot water is drawn off.
Note -
If after completing the start-up procedure correctly, the burners fail to ignite and the boiler shut
down warning lights up, wait about 15 seconds then rotate the knob 98 (fig. 2) against spring pressure
to the RESET position and release it. The reset electronic control unit will repeat the start-up cycle.
Note -
In central heating mode after resetting the boiler will go into it 2 minue delay before starting up
again. If after a second attempt the burners still fail to ignite, consult the paragraph “Troubleshooting”.
Note -
If there is a power failure while the boiler is in operation, the burners automatically go out and re-
ignite when the power returns.
4.03 Shutting down
Close the boiler isolation gas cock and turn off the electricity to the boiler.
If the boiler is not to be used for lengthy periods during the winter, to avoid frost damage, you
are recommended to drain the water from the circuits (domestic hot water and central heating). Alternatively,
drain the domestic hot water system only and add special anti-freeze to the central heating system.
4.04 Checks and controls after first start-up
• Check there are no leaks in the gas and water circuits.
• Check correct boiler start up by carrying out start up and shut down tests using the boiler stat.
• Check the integrity of the air-flue pipes during boiler operation.
• Check that the gas consumption indicated on the meter corresponds to that given in Technical Data
(page 5).