© Ferno-Washington, Inc. / 234-3601-00
Ferno Technical Service Bulletin
Improper maintenance can cause injury. Maintain the
fastening system and cot only as described in each
product’s users’ manual.
This document contains inspection, placement, and
related information as a service to EMS personnel. For
complete instructions on proper use, maintenance, and
operation of Ferno products, refer to the users’ and or
installation manuals.
X-Frame Cots: Post
Typically Attached
to Lower Frame
H-Frame Cots: Post
Typically Attached
to Upper Frame
1 Inspect the Cot Retaining Post
1. Inspect the retaining post attached to the Ferno cot (examples
shown in Figure 1). Verify the post is properly secured to the cot.
2. Verify the retaining post is fastened securely to the cot. Check that
all nuts and bolts are tight and present. Replace loose or missing
nuts and bolts.
3. Inspect the retaining post for wear and damage (Figure 2). If the
surface of the post has pits or divots from contact with the rail
release button, replace the post. A worn retaining post may not
activate the rail release button.
2 Inspect the Antler
1. Inspect the antler (Figure 3). Verify it is properly secured to the
floor and all fasteners are tight and present.
2. Inspect the antler hooks. Are they in the proper position, and not
bent or twisted? If removable mounting blocks are present, verify
the slope of the blocks is away from the center of the antler, as
shown in Figure 3.
3. Replace loose or missing knobs, blocks, bolts, nuts, etc.
Removable Model 175
(Mounts with Knobs to
Floor Plates)
Permanent Model 175
(Mounts with User-Installed
Bolt Through Floor)
Inspect For Damage
(Wear, Pitting, Divots)