Ferno Technical Service Bulletin
© Ferno-Washington, Inc. / 234-3601-00
Ferno Safety Hook Placement
Verify the safety hook is installed as shown in Figures 17-18. The
safety hook must be installed to meet both the front-to-back and side-
to-side requirements below.
1. Position the hook a
minimum of 3-3/4”
(95 mm) from the edge
of the door sill to the face of the hook (Figure 17). The face of the
hook is the inner surface where the safety bar engages the hook
(Figure 16 on page 10).
Determine a location for the safety hook where it will engage the center
of the cot safety bar during every loading and unloading sequence.
1. Disengage the cot from the fastening system and unload it from
the vehicle.
2. While the cot is being unloaded from the ambulance, note the
position where the load wheels and the safety bar cross the
doorway (Figure 18).
3. Use a piece of tape or marker to mark the center of the cot safety
bar on the vehicle floor.
4. Verify that the position marked in Step 3 is where the safety bar
engages the safety hook
every time
when unloading the cot in a
variety of positions (all the way to the left and all the way to the
right), regardless of cot position.
If there is any position in which the safety bar does not engage the
safety hook (left, center, or right) modify the vehicle so the safety bar
cannot miss the hook. Do not modify the cot or safety hook.
If the cot safety bar engages the safety hook every time, the safety hook
is positioned properly and no modification is required.
(Reference Location Only)
The Safety Hook Must
Engage the Safety Bar
During Every Loading and
Unloading Sequence
If the hook is installed too far inside the ambulance, you will
not be able to properly extend or retract the cot legs.
Install the safety hook only with hardware of at least SAE
Grade 5 with UNC-2 threading (or equivalent). Hardware is
not supplied.
Two door-sill styles are in use: a straight or square style, and a
sloped style. Use the front-to-back measurement where the
flat floor (ambulance deck) meets the door sill for your type
of ambulance (Figure 17).
3.75" min.
Square Sill
Sloped Sill
3.75" min.
Improper safety hook installation can cause injury to
the patient and/or operators if the cot misses the safety
hook. Verify the safety hook will engage the cot safety bar
regardless of how the cot is unloaded from the vehicle.