IP VarioBell
- installation and operating instructions
Visitor inside building
By person inside building is person who is in communication with door
entry IP Fermax.
Outgoing call
Outgoing call is call from door entry (start by visitor). After door entry dial
is ringit phone inside the building. When call is picked up you can talk to visitor
at door and by code dialling you can activate relay. Door entry sends 10sec
before call end notification about time limit of call and by dial character (* / #) you
can prolong the call. By phone hang up the call is ended.
All transmission ways of info about button press are available (for example
code to activate relay)
– either in “RTP channel – RFC2833” or in “SIP info”
and “inband DTMF”.
Incoming call
Incoming call is call to door entry (start by person inside building). After
dial of extension number or IP adress where is connected door entry IP Fermax
the door entry is ringing and after preprogrammed number of rings picks up the
call. You can talk. Possibilities are the same as outgoing call (activate relay,
prolong the call etc.).