Your new Acoustasonic™ Pro Amplifier delivers the
Fender tone and quality that today’s musicians
demand and re c o rding engineers have depended
on for more than 50 years. Two independent chan-
nels with their individual tone and volume contro l s
a re voiced for acoustic instruments and vocals.
The on–board Digital Signal Processor pro v i d e s
100 combinations of studio-quality effects. Four
PRESET buttons allow instant storage and recall of
favorite DSP effects. The Acoustasonic Pro pre-
s e rves the natural voice of acoustic instru m e n t s
with precision tone management tools and 160
watts of clean power. PHASE reversing switches
reduce feedback at two points in the signals path
and a pair of NOTCH FILTER controls can be used
to select frequencies at which feedback is sup-
p ressed. The AT TACK control is helpful at attenu-
ating the harshness that piezo guitar pickups
1. INSTRUMENT - Plug your guitar/acoustic instrument in
at this jack.
2. PHASE - This push button reverses the phase of the
i n s t rument channel, useful for reducing noise associated
with dual pickup instruments.
3. TUNER ONLY - This push button mutes the instrument
channel outputs and sends the signal to the tuner jack
only for silent tune-ups. The mic channel is active while
using this feature.
4. GAIN - Adjusts the volume level of the instrument channel.
5. TREBLE - Adjusts the high-frequency level of the instru m e n t
6. MID - Adjusts the middle-frequency level of the
instrument channel.
7. BASS - Adjusts the low-frequency level of the instru m e n t
8. CHANNEL SEND - Adjusts the amount of instrument
channel signal sent to the on-board DSP effects.
9. RETURN - Adjusts the amount of DSP e ffect altered “wet”
signal mixed with the “dry” unaffected signal. Rotating
the knob clockwise increases the amount of the “wet”
signal. When the “MIC FX ON” is OFF, this knob contro l s
the wet/dry mix for BOTH the instrument and mic channels
10.ATTACK - This control is designed to attenuate the
harshness that piezo pickups produce when vigoro u s l y
s t rumming with a pick. Rotating the knob counter- c l o c k w i s e
increases the attenuation, whereas a clockwise setting
provides a more natural response for finger picking.
11.STRING DYNAMICS (Patented) - This knob controls a
dynamic tone shaping filter on the instrument channel.
Rotating the knob clockwise decreases the instru m e n t ’s
h i g h - f requency “harshness” when playing at high
volume levels while maintaining “crispness” when playing
at lower levels.
12.FEEDBACK NOTCH 1 - This control is designed to attenuate
feedback noise between 63-400 Hz in the instrument
channel. By SLOWLY rotating the knob, locate the
unwanted frequency to reduce the noise.
13.FEEDBACK NOTCH 2 - This control is designed to
attenuate feedback noise between 150-825 Hz in the
i n s t rument channel. By S L O W LY rotating the knob, locate
the feedback frequency to reduce the noise.