Unverferth 2070
— Set Up
Sideboard Assembly
Right-2nd Sideboard
Right-2nd Sideboard (273303B)
12. Use safe lifting device rated at a mini-
mum of 200 lbs. (91 kg.), attach right-
2nd sideboard (273303B) with hinges
(9004626) to the right/2nd hopper panel
with 5/16”-18UNC x 3/4” large flange
screws (91256) and 5/16”-18UNC large
flange nuts (91257).
13. Secure the right-front sideboard
(273714B) to the right-2nd sideboard
(2732303) with 3/8”-16UNC x 1” large
flange screw (91262) and 3/8”-16UNC
large flange nut (91263).
5/16”-18UNC x 3/4” Large Flange
Screws (91256) and 5/16”-18UNC
Large Flange Nuts (91257)
To Tractor
FIG. 1-125
FIG. 1-126
FIG. 1-127