Mount the y-axis cart on the z-axis part with two M4x25 bolts with
medium washers.
Now it is time to put the left over belt from the x-axis onto the y-axis.
Take the belt and cut it off straight.
Push the belt inside the bracket. Let the belt make contact with as much
teeth of the bracket as possible. Also push it as far as possible, use a small
allen key for that. If you have misplaced the belt or you want to remove it,
on top of the bracket is a small hole which can be used to push out the
belt with a small allen key.
Guide the belt over the pulley and 2 bearings as indicated above.
NOTE: If you are doing this module before assembling the x-axis
module, do not waste unnecessary pieces of belt, because it is
needed for the X-axis!!
Push the belt into the small printed clamp, while at the same time
tensioning the belt by hand. Important is that the small clamp is touching
the right edge of the bigger part as shown in the picture above.