Expanded Startup
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WU_erweiterte_ Inbetriebnahme4_GB.doc
Copyright 2003 by
Lange Straße 4
D-35781 Weilburg-Waldhausen
Tel.: +49 6471 3109-0
This edition replaces all earlier versions.
The specifications contained in this document may be changed without prior notice.
Transmission and reproduction of this document, use and revealing of its contents are not permitted without
express consent. Violations will result in liability for damages. All rights reserved in case of patent granting or
utility model listing.
This Manual is directed especially at persons involved with starting up / commissioning the TST WU gate
control of FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH. Starting up the control must be carried out only by officially trained
electrical experts who are familiar with the safety standards of electrical drive and automation technology.
The entity which has placed the TST WU gate control in service is solely responsible for the completeness of
the startup manual.
This Manual shows only a small range of the control functions. Further functions and descriptions for
individual gate functions as well as more exact specifications for the control and hazard notes can be found
in the main description.
The collecting of information in this document has been done to the best of our knowledge and with due
diligence. FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH does not warrant the correctness and completeness of the information
in this document. In particular, FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH cannot be held liable for following damages due
to faulty or incomplete information.
Since mistakes can never be completely avoided in spite of our best efforts, we always welcome feedback.
The installation recommendations contained in this document presume favorable surrounding conditions.
FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH assumes no liability for perfect function in environments alien to the system.
FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH provides no warranty that the information in this document is free of foreign
copyrights. FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH does not grant any licenses for its own or foreign patents or other
copyrights in connection with this document. Warranty claims against FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH are the
right of the direct contractual partner only and are not transferable. Warranty is assumed only for the
products supplied by FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH. There is no warranty for the overall system.
The description of products, their use, possibilities and performance data are not to be taken as assured
properties and are subject to technical changes.
General notes concerning this document
The following symbols are used in this function description to alert the user to various hazards and useful
alerts to a possible hazard to
persons if the procedure is not performed as
alerts to possible damage to
the controller.
IMPORTANT alerts to information which is
important to the function of the door controller
or door.
refers to useful information which is useful but
not absolutely necessary for using the TST WU
door controller