Erweiterte Inbetriebnahme
Seite 16 von 18
WU_erweiterte_ Inbetriebnahme4_GB.doc
The function of the output relay can be specified using this profile.
All parameters needed for the function of the output are changed in one
The output can be set under the following conditions:
0000: Output relay deactivated
0001: Door is OPEN
0201: Door is CLOSED
0401: No fault
0501: Courtyard light function: Turned on during every OPEN and CLOSE
move with 10s turn-off delay after opening.
0502: Courtyard light function: Turned on for 120 seconds
0701: Flashing during OPEN and CLOSE move and in intermediate stop /
partial open position
0801: On during OPEN and CLOSE move and during active clear time /
pre-warning time
1001: Locking of other door
1201: Green traffic light on inside of door
1210: Green traffic light on outside of door
1220: Red traffic light on inside of Door 1
1221: Flashing red traffic light on inside of Door 1
1222: Red traffic light on inside of Door 2
1223: Flashing red traffic light on inside of Door 2
1224: Red traffic light on inside, flashing during pre warning time
1250: Red traffic light on outside of Door 1
1251: Flashing red traffic light on outside of Door 1
1252: Red traffic light on outside of Door 2
1253: Flashing red traffic light on outside of Door 2
1254: Not flashing red traffic light
1255: Red traffic light on outside, flashing during pre warning time
1281: Direction independed green traffic light
1601: Airlock OPEN
1701: Test output in end position door CLOSE
2501: Test output in end position door OPEN
2601: Always flashing, but not in end position OPEN, CLOSE or
intermediate stop / partial open.
0000 ... 2601
The flashing red traffic light flashes during OPEN and CLOSE
movement and during active clear time.
All red traffic lights type 1 are turned off in the Door CLOSED end position.
The exact settings which this profile involves can be found in Appendix:
Output Profile