Bluetooth LE Connection with
Android mobile devices
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Bluetooth LE Connection with Android mobile devices
To connect the mobile reader ID ECCO Smart via BLE to an Android mobile device a customer specific APP
for Android is necessary.
For first tests one of the different App in
the App Store “Google Play” could
be used.
In this example, FEIG ELECTRONIC use the App BLE Debugger
1. If the ECCO Smart is on, please switch it off.
Load the “BLE Debugger” App from the App Store
3. Switch on the mobile reader ID ECCO Smart.
a. The blue LED flashes with a frequency of about 1 Hz
4. Start the BLE Debugger App
5. The ECCO Smart HF-BLE should be shown in the list
6. Select ECCO Smart HF-BLE to connect to the device
a. The blue LED flashes slower with a frequency of about 2 Hz
7. The App show:
a. The Generic Access Service (UUID: 0x1800)
b. The Generic Attribute Service (UUID: 0x1801)
c. The Device Information Service (UUID: 0x180A)
d. The Zhaga Book 25 NFC Reader Service (UUID: 3CC30001-CB91-4947-BD12-80D2F0535A30)
e. The Battery Service (UUID: 0x180F)
f. The FEIG ELECTRONIC serial communication service (UUID: 2D8F4660-8ACB-11EA-AB12-
Fig. 8: List of ECCO Smart BLE Services at the App BLE Debugger