Step 4: Tail Accessories
Trial fit the lower stab cover and trims if necessary. Temporarily attach to the fuse with flat
head screws.
Photo 12
Bolt the exhaust cones to the aft firewall.
Attach the tail hook. Roughen both surfaces to be glued and drill small holes in both parts to
act as glue “pins”. Use Aeropoxy, being careful to keep it away from the edges of the hook.
Clean up any glue that seeps out immediately. Tape in place and set the aft fuselage aside.
Gently move the stab by hand and check for binding. If any is evident, take corrective steps
at this time.
This completes the aft fuselage work.
Photo 13
Step 5: Nose Doors
You will be hooking up airlines in the next section. There will be three primary connections
required: (1) gear up, (2) gear down/doors down and (3) doors closed. The system will be
operated by two valves. The primary valve will activate gear up and doors open/gear down. The
secondary valve will control the closing of the gear doors and will be delayed through use of
It is convenient to set the nose section on end when working through the following steps.
Inspect all of the gear door hinge and air cylinder mounting bolts for security. Put a small
drop of thin CA on the gear door hinge bolts to prevent loosening of the nuts. The forward
gear door cylinder will not be attached to the forward door … this will be completed in a
subsequent step.
Reinforce the hinge to fuse joints with a little Aeropoxy for added security. Be careful not to
get glue into the hinge mechanism.