Loosen the four retaining bolts and remove the forward door. Replace the screws in the
fuselage to avoid losing track of them.
Now is a good time to run airlines to the nose door cylinders while there is a little space to
work. Test for leakage and proper operation of the valves as you go, using a hand pump.
Secure the lines together with plastic wire ties to keep them organized and out of the way.
Step 6: Nose Retract Unit
Insert the retract servo from the bottom of the mounting plate, with the spindle toward the
outer end of the bracket.
Attach the servo using the bolts provided. Loctite.
Using your receiver or a Matchmaker, find neutral on the servo and mount the arm.
Attach clevises, making sure they are not so tight as to cause binding. Using plastic wire
ties, secure the servo wire well away from the end of the bracket. This area of the bracket
will pass close to the former as the retract is operating.
One at a time, remove the strut set screws, apply Loctite and reassemble, making sure they
are snug.
Attach your air lines and test the retract unit with a hand pump, making sure it will hold air
and operates smoothly.
Photo 14
Position the retract unit into the retract plate from the bottom. The front of the retract unit
should be positioned approximately 10 mm behind the front former. Insure this is enough
to clear the front door when installed and that the wheels clear the aft door opening. Mark
this position with a felt pen.
Working carefully to make sure the retract unit stays in this position and aligned equally to
either side of the gear opening, drill one of the holes closest to the forward former. Insert a
bolt into the hole to hold this position.
Proceed to drill the other three holes, making sure to maintain alignment of the gear. Insert
a bolt in each hole as it is drilled.
When all four holes are drilled and you are satisfied with the alignment, remove the retract
Drill out each hole to be large enough for a blind nut. Insert these from the top and snug
them down with one of the bolts. Apply a little CA to the back of the blind nuts sparingly to
hold them in place.