Step 2: Vertical Fin and Rudder
Before assembly begins, inspect the glue joints between the fin ribs and the outer skin. These
may be seen through the servo mounting hole and the forward inspection cut out. If there are
gaps in the glue, fill them in with a little Aeropoxy.
Mount the rudder servo, with the spindle toward the rear of the fin. You may need to
enlarge the mounting hole just slightly.
Photo 6
Using a JR Matchbox or your receiver, power up the servo and set it at neutral. Attach the
control arm at a vertical position. Enlarge the strut slot size in the fin slightly with a small file
if the arm binds.
Assemble the rudder linkage. Use the rod that is approximately 190 mm long. You will need
to enlarge the hole in the control horn with a 7/64 inch drill for the rod bolt. Do not over
tighten this bolt as the rod will bind as the rudder is actuated.
Photo 7
Connect your servo extension and secure with tape or heat shrink tubing.
Secure fin to aft fuselage with 12mm bolts and large 12mm washers. Use Loctite on the