Description, Specifications, Installation, and Operation Manual
Federal Signal
Communications Link
When the UVRI-B is equipped with a communications interface, the following interface
parameters require configuration: Unit Type, RF Frequency, Security Key, 128/256-bit
Encryption Key, Site Address, and Configuration Jumper Settings.
Unit Type
The Federal Signal Commander System requires configuration based on the
communications method. See the Commander Software Manual for configuration
RF Frequency
Program the radio transceiver with the RF frequency(s), channel spacing and power
output before placing into service. These settings are pre-set at the factory if the
requirements are provided with the order.
Security Key
The Security Key is a unique number assigned to the system that prevents interference of
nearby systems operating on the same RF frequency. Like the 128-bit/256-bit encryption
key, the Security Key is typically programmed during initial system programming. All sites
in the system must use the same security key. The exception is a key value of 65535 (the
default), defined as an open system and communicates with all encoders regardless of
the encoder’s key setting.
128-bit/256-bit Encryption Key
The 128-bit or 256-bit data encryption provides security against malicious operation
or monitoring. Program the 128-bit/256-bit encryption key during the flashing of
the microprocessor to match the encoder (Federal Signal Commander Software or
) being used to activate the unit. A key value of zero disables the 128-bit/256-bit
encryption; use if the encoder does not support 128-bit/256-bit encryption. All sites in the
system must use the same encryption key.
Assigning Site Address (S1)
The site address switch gives each UVRI-B controller in a two-way system its unique unit
For use with Commander: In order for the siren to report back with its identity, define the
site address by setting dip switches located on the board. The dip switches have values
of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 256, 512. Add appropriate dip switch values to define the site
number address.
To define the board for Site #1 toggle first dip switch to the left. All other dip switches are
to the right. For Site #2 toggle the second dip switch to the left. For Site #3 toggle the
first and second dip switch to the left. For Site #4 toggle the third dip switch to the left.
For Site #5 toggle the first and third dip switch to the left. Continue this method to define
other site number addresses.