UltraVoice Remote Interface (UVRI-B)
Federal Signal www.fedsig.com
Use a twisted pair wire run to the connecting equipment which should have a balanced
600 ohm output. Keep the cable length as short as possible and run away from sources of
electrical noise. The input works best with an input level between 200 to 2,000 mV
. At
200 mV
, turn pot R59 (RX1 Level) fully up, 20 turns clockwise. Set the level so that a tone
signal from the connected equipment provides 1 V
at TP2 or until the two green LEDs of
the RX Level meter are on.
Audio Connections
Connect the optional remote audio input for Public Address to the 600-ohm port on the
UVRI-B control board (JP8) with jumper JP11 set for 600-ohm PA, pins 1 and 2, and no
jumper on JP12. A contact closure for remote PTT is required between JP24 pins 6 and 1
to activate the 600 ohm.
Use a twisted pair wire run to the connecting equipment which should have a balanced
600-ohm output. Keep the cable length as short as possible and run away from sources
of electrical noise. The input works best with an input level between 200 to 2,000 mV
At 200 mV
, turn pot R59 (RX1 Level) fully up, 20 turns clockwise. Set the level so that a
tone signal from the connected equipment provides 1 V
at TP2 or until the two green
LEDs of the RX Level meter are on.
TC Interface/Fire Panel Interface
A TC Interface is typically used for a fire panel interface. When a relay closure is sent
from one piece of equipment to the other, the other sends a relay closure back to
acknowledge it so the equipment sending the original relay closure knows it has been
received. The lines going back and forth are also monitored for opens, shorts, or ground
If the UVRI-B’s unit type is set for fire panel interface in Commander, for each output that
is activated, the UVRI-B will expect to see the corresponding input go active or a fault is
generated. For example, if output 1 closes, input 1 must go active.
Outputs (JP18)
The UVRI-B expects each TC output (not the COM) to be connected to equipment that
incorporates a pull-up resistor to 12 to 24 Vdc.
If the UVRI-B’s relay output is going to the input of a fire panel, the panel will have a pull-
up voltage on its input.
Inputs (JP14)
Each TC input requires a 1 kΩ resistor in series with the TC connection and a 2.2 kΩ
resistor across the relay output that drives it at the fire panel end. So the UVRI-B sees
3.2 kΩ of resistance in standby, 1 kΩ resistance when the fire panel’s relay output is
closed, infinite resistance if the wire is cut, and zero resistance if the wire is shorted.