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Wiring Suggestions
All shields should be grounded to the connector at the source, and floating at the display.
Avoid routing video wiring parallel to:
AC wiring
Strobe wiring
DC motor supply cables
Inverter cabling
Or any other potential noise source
Composite and Audio Wiring
Recommended cable for s-video/composite and audio purposes is PIC 75 Ohm Coax, P/N
V75268. This is a lightweight, flexible, and low signal loss cable which meets FAA
flammability requirements of FAR 23.1359(d), FAR 25.853(a) and FAR 25.869(a)(4).
Similar aviation coaxial cable can be used from other vendors, as well.
Some aircraft are prone to AC noise - we recommend adding to the composite source a
75Ohm video isolation transformer such as Deerfield Laboratory, Inc. Part No. 162-1
(, (650) 632-4090). In most cases this should be added to the video
output of the source.