771/772/773/774 MODELS
7.13 Defrost Schedule Menu
Figure 7.24
) allows for easy adjustment of the defrost times for barrel #1 and then the
delay time between barrels. For example, assume on a four barrel dispenser the delay time is set to 60 minutes and the
first defrost is at 03:00. Barrel #1 will defrost at 03:00, barrel #2 will defrost at 04:00, barrel #3 at 05:00 and barrel #4
at 06:00. There can be up to eight defrosts per barrel per day. A time of 00:00 means no defrost is scheduled.
Each defrost time also has a day of the week setting. If the day of the week is capitalized then the dispenser will defrost at
that time on that day. If the day of the week is lowercase then the dispenser will skip that defrost time on that day.
There are also predefined defrost schedules available. Contact FBD for details on the various schedules.
7.14 Auto Defrost Menu
In addition to a preset defrost schedule, the dispenser has an automatic defrost feature (
Figure 7.25
). This allows the
dispenser to dynamically adjust the time between defrost cycles based on customer activity.
When the auto defrost feature is enabled there are also “black out windows” that can be programmed. These windows
prevent any defrost cycles from occurring during that period. Up to three windows can be specified and the start and end
times for each window must be designated.
: A defrost schedule and auto defrost can be used simultaneously. Note, any time that the barrel is defrosted and
then frozen, the auto-defrost timer is reset.
Figure 7.24
Figure 7.25