771/772/773/774 MODELS
7.7 Fault Code History Menu
The FAULT CODE HISTORY menu provides a list of the last twenty fault codes with the date and time of occurrence and
resolution (
Figure 7.8
). When the green button is pressed, additional details about the highlighted error are shown,
including a QR code (
Figure 7.9
). Scan the QR code with a smart phone to see detailed troubleshooting steps. For a
complete listing of fault codes that can be displayed please see the “Fault Codes” section (Section 10.2).
7.8 Service Menu
SERVICE MENU options (
Figure 7.10
) are intended for use by a trained service technician only. To access these
submenus, select SERVICE MENU while in the MAIN MENU and then press the green check button and the bottom center
soft key button (blank) simultaneously.
Figure 7.8
Figure 7.9
Figure 7.10