СРС308 Processor Module
Phoenix® BIOS
C P C 3 0 8 U s e r M a n u a l
© 2 0 1 3 F a s t w e l V e r . 0 0 1 b E
This tab of the BIOS Setup utility is the title one upon entry. In the menu allows to set system
time and date, ATA/SATA devices parameters, cashing control parameters, module booting
features. Data about the installed and available system memory are also shown in this tab.
Fig. 7-2: Main Menu Screen
Use the cursor keys "Up" and "Down" to navigate through the menu. To navigate through the tabs,
use the "Right" and "Left" cursor keys. Use the "Enter" key to enter setup submenus, use the
"Escape" key to withdraw from setup submenus. Use the "+" and "-" keys of the numeric part of the
keyboard to change any values in the chosen menu option.
This algorithm of working with menus applies to all the other tabs of the
Bios Setup utility as well.
When choosing the settings of ATA/SATA devices, cashing, the module boot parameters, new
submenu screens become available.
IDE Primary/Master
This submenu allows to set the IDE storage parameters. The CompactFlash storage is always the
IDE Primary Master drive. The "IDE Primary/Master" submenu screen is shown in the figure below.