Functional Description
Fast Ethernet Interface
CPB904 has one 10Base-TX/100Base-TX Ethernet channel provided by Intel LU82551IT
controller. It is routed through X4 ETX header to KIB1282 baseboard, where Ethernet port is
available via RJ45 connector.
4.3.14 Serial
The CPB904 is furnished with three serial ports having standard PC AT base addresses. Their
operation is provided by Winbond W83627HF Super I/O chip internal UARTs.
COM1 and COM2 (RS232) operate as full function 9-wire RS232 interfaces with maximum transfer
rate of 115.2 Kb/s. They are fully compatible with UART16550. Both COM1 and COM2 ports are
routed via X3 ETX connector to standard D-Sub connectors at KIB1282 baseboard.
COM3 is available via 3-pin 2 mm pitch connector (J4) mounted on the top side of CPB904
module. It is a dedicated connector for remote PC console operation, it transfers only RXD, TXD,
and GND lines. For communication with a remote PC (console operation) a null-modem cable is
4.3.15 FDD/LPT
Super I/O chip includes FDD controller and universal parallel port sharing the same lines routed via
X3 ETX connector to KIB1282 baseboard connectors. Switching between LPT and FDD ports is
performed in BIOS Setup. FDD port allows connection of one device. LPT port of CPB904 supports
EPP and ECP operation modes. ECP is the default mode.
LPT uses IRQ7 interrupt line, IRQ6 is assigned to FDD port. If "On-board LPT/FDC" parameter is
set to "Disabled" in BIOS Setup, IRQ7 and IRQ6 interrupts are available for user application.
RTC and Serial FRAM
The module is equipped with a standard Real Time Clock. FRAM is non-volatile memory with I
serial interface. It serves as a back-up storage for BIOS Setup parameters, for critical system
events information recording, and for restoration of the RTC memory if an error is detected. FRAM
write access is allowed for system software only.
In case of operating system crash and if BIOS Setup program can not be started, BIOS settings
can be reset using CMOS_RST.COM program. It is started under MS DOS 6.22 on a remote PC
connected to switched off CPB904 module with a null-modem cable via COM1 port. After this
procedure, BIOS settings are reset to default on module's power-up.
4.3.17 LED
CPB904 has a dual color programmable LED indicator on the top side of the module. Red light
turns into green on BIOS successful loading.
C P B 9 0 4 U s e r M a n u a l
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