Technical Specifications
Video controller
2D accelerator
Video memory 64 MB shared with system
LCD (TFT or DSTN) panels support, resolution up to 1600
1200 at 60 Hz
18-bit color via TFT interface, 24-bit color via LVDS
Analog display support,
resolution 1600
1200 at 100 Hz, 1920
1440 at 85 Hz, 32-bit
LVDS interface
Discrete I/O
17 discrete I/O lines, shared with LPT port
Watchdog timer
Fixed timeout period 1.6 s
System configuration settings stored in CMOS+SFRAM
Saving essential user data in SFRAM in case of power failure
CPU temperature and voltages monitoring
On-board real time clock with Li battery on baseboard
PS/2 keyboard and mouse interface
Floppy disk interface
Parallel port
SPP/ECP/EPP compatible. Lines, shared with FDD controller
Expansion Buses
32-bit PCI
16-bit ISA
X1-X4 ETX headers
Software Support:
General Software® BIOS
Fastwel DOS, Windows XP Embedded, QNX
4.25 and 6.3x, Linux® 2.4,
Windows CE.NET 4.2
2.2 Power
The module is powered via X1-X4 ETX connectors by an external DC power source providing the
following characteristics:
Voltage: +5 V
5% (from +4.75 V to +5.25 V)
Consumption current (without external devices): 1.2 A
+5 V SB voltage is used in testing mode. +5 V voltage may be
supplied via J6 connector while testing the module
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