Functional Description
Video Controller and Connection of Monitors
The module utilizes graphics controller integrated in Geode LX CPU with the following main
Video memory size up to 64 MB shared with system;
Support of TFT or DSTN LCD-panels with resolution up to 1600
1200 at 18 bpp,
LVDS panels with resolution up to 1600
1200 at 24 bpp;
Support of VGA RGB monitors with resolution up to 1920
1440 (85 Hz, 32 bpp);
LVDS interface
CRT VGA monitors and/or LCD panels are connected to KIB1282 carrier board. Video interfaces
are routed to KIB1282 via X3 ETX connector. As an option, CPB904 can be equipped with TV
encoder chip providing TV Output function.
4.3.9 Audio
AC'97 audio codec functions are performed by Realtek ALC203 chip incorporating two channel
20-bit DAC. Audio lines are routed to X1 ETX connector.
Watchdog Timer and Power Votage Monitoring
CPB904 has one watchdog timer with fixed timeout period of 1.6 s, which is controlled by CPLD.
Watchdog timer is in "on" state on power up. Watchdog timer operation modes are switched in
BIOS Setup program.
Power voltage monitoring and watchdog functions are performed by ADM706T supervisor chip.
+5V voltage is monitored. Reset signal is generated when +5V voltage goes down to +4.75V.
3.3 V can be monitored by Winbond W83627HF SuperIO chip using software utilities. Moreover,
this chip is also used to monitor CPU temperature by means of a sensor integrated in
microprocessor and board temperature using optional on-board sensor.
PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse Interface
PS/2 keyboard and mouse interface is routed to KIB1282 baseboard via X3 connector. Keyboard
and mouse are connected to separate connectors on the baseboard.
4.3.12 USB
The module is equipped with four USB 2.0 host ports. All channels have power control circuit. One
USB device may be connected to each port. All channels are routed to KIB1282 baseboard via X1
ETX connector.
C P B 9 0 4 U s e r M a n u a l
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