Technical Specifications
2 Technical
2.1 General
CPU: AMD Geode LX800 500 MHz
32-bit x86/x87 compatible core
64-bit coprocessor
64-bit memory bus, up to 400 MHz
64 KB L1, 128 KB L2 cache
Integrated FPU supports the Intel MMX™ and AMD 3DNow!™ Technology
instruction sets
System memory
256 or 512 MB soldered SDRAM
Up to 512 MB in SODIMM socket (for CPB904-03)
Flash BIOS
2x512 KB, reserved
In-system modification
Support for up to two UltraDMA-100 IDE devices
Solid state disk: soldered, 64 MB NAND flash, with
MS DOS-compatible Fastwel file system
MiniSD socket on board
CompactFlash (via KIB1282)
Serial ports
Three serial ports
High speed 16C550 compatible
COM1, COM2: RS232, 9 wires, up to 115.2 Kb/s
COM3: RS232, TX/RX, for remote PC connection
Four USB 2.0 channels
One Fast Ethernet port 10/100 Mb/s
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