Broken / binding gear
Turn power off. Examine the
freezer door lift motor gears. Look
for any broken teeth. Manually
move the lift arm up and down.
Check for binding. If a
replacement gear is necessary,
Robot interference
If the robot has had an error and
could not return home, it may be
in the way of the freezer door. If
this happens, move the robot,
close the freezer door and make a
vend attempt. If the machine fails,
it should provide a different error.
See troubleshooting for that error.
Improper alignment of the freezer
lift assy.
If the freezer lift assy is not
aligned properly it can bind going
either up or down jamming the
Check connection from the
Computer board to the Freezer
Door Motor.
Turn power off. Check the
computer board connection
labeled J18, the intermediate
board connections J18 and J25
and the plug at the freezer door
motor. If the connections look
good check continuity from
computer board J18 pins 1 & 3 to
int. board J18 pins 1 & 3, and
from int. board J25 pins 1 & 5 to
the freezer door motor connector
pins 1 & 5.
Faulty intermediate board
Turn power off. Remove the
connectors from J18 and J25 on
the intermediate board. At J18
inspect pins 1 & 3, and at J25
pins 1 & 5. Repair or straighten
any damaged pins. If any pins are
loose, replace the intermediate
board. PN-49405540.
Faulty freezer door motor
Replace the freezer door motor.
If the motor has a small pigtail
harness use PN-49505565. If the
connector is right on the motor
use PN-49505555.
Freezer Stuck Open
If the freezer is open.
Faulty computer board /
intermediate board
When replacing the computer
board note the software on the
defective board as well as the
position of the jumper JP1. Make
sure the software and jumper
postion are the same. Incorrect
software or jumper may cause the
machine to function improperly.
Replace the computer board