Step 2: cont.
Return Fuel Line System
Cut the fuel line and assemble a 8-212 in the opposite end of the line con-
necting to the “R” port of the FASS.
Assemble an 8-212 into one end of the remaining fuel line. Route this
fuel line from straight fitting of the “T” to the return port in the fuel tank,
mark & cut. Caution: Route the side with the exhaust first as it will be
necessary to travel below the frame to avoid the exhaust, each side has to
be the exact same length. Later it will install as seen.
Cut the remaining fuel line to the “Exact” same length line as the line in
step f.
Assemble (1) of each 8-211 & 8-212 into each line addressed in steps f &
Properly torque all connections and secure the fuel line & “T”.
In the same manner as previously covered route and loosely connect the
assembled fuel lines discussed in this section to the appropriate points of
connection including the “T”.
Route to the center of the nearest cross member aligned with the ports in the
fuel tank being used for return fuel. Measure & mark this line as it will con-
nect to the 90° fitting of the “T” in this location.