Original notice – User’s manual
Tire assembling
1. Grease the heels.
2. Place the tools holder vertically.
3. Lower the rim to the maximum.
4. Position the heels on the rim and raise the mandrel holder.
5. Stuck the heels.
6. Lower the tools holder to the left of the wheel.
7. Rotate once to position the heel on the chuck side with the roller.
8. Attach the spout to the tools holder.
9. Move the mandrel holder to take the tools holder side heel with the spout.
10. Position a locking shackle or clamp or lever on the rim above the spout.
11. Turn clockwise.
12. Make sure that the tire is put into the hollow base.
13. Rotate to heeling.
14. Lower the mandrel holder.
15. Release the wheel.
Folding and stopping
1. Close the mandrel.
2. Fold the mandrel holder.
3. Remove the spout.
4. Lift the tools holder.
5. Slide the mandrel holder left.
6. Secure the mandrel holder with its latch.
7. Lower the tools holder to its center position.
At the door side mount, check the position of the device before folding the
tire changer.
8. Fold the device.
9. Turn the pneumatic tire contactor to "0".
10. Stop the compressor by turning the ignition key to the left.
11. Open the air purge valve.
12. Insert the stand in its seat.
13. Reposition the control console on the mandrel holder.
14. Purge the tank and the filter regulator lubricator (unless automatic purge
When the compressor stops, the automatic purge system (if equipped) starts and
purges the condensate from the device.