The additional equipment that is delivered with the stove is the glove and equipment for shaking of embers and removal
of ashtray (see picture).
Cleaning of channels for flow of gas products of combustion under the stove should be performed in the
following manner:
Remove the decorative panel (below the oven door) by tightening the crews (picture10).
By stump, remove layers of soot from the bottom of the stove and under the bottom of the oven. After
cleaning, return the decorative plate in the initial position and attach it with screws.
The following are considered consumables and therefore not covered by the warranty:
all gaskets, glass parts, the paints, the ceramics and the parts with chemical coating (chrome, nickel, zinc parts). The
warranty does not cover damages caused by improper installation, incorrect connection not in compliance with the
instructions which accompany the product, or by tempering by unqualified or unauthorized personnel
First, clean the hearth, the smoke pipes and the flue, trying to eliminate completely the ash and other residuals. In case
you disconnect the appliance from the chimney, close its opening in order to allow operation of other possible
appliances connected to the same flue.
The cleaning of the flue should be done at least once a year; in the meanwhile check the state of the gaskets and
replace them if necessary. In presence of dampness in the room where the stove has been placed, we advise you to put
absorbent salts into the hearth and other stove openings.
The stove is intended for heating (through cast and brass parts and glass) and preparation of food (on the plate and in
the oven). If fast cooking is required add smaller quantities of fuel, open the air vent holes, pull out the handle of
regulator of smoke gases. For simultaneous cooking, baking and heating, the handle of regulator of smoke gases is
pushed inside and the intensity of combustion is regulated through the primary air control.
The stove Guliver has the possibility of air flow regulation for combustion, thus selecting the regime of the stove
operation, thus achieving the better efficiency and better level of wood usage.
The plate frame, all doors, hearth coatings, junction for smoke outlet and gallery holders are made of grey cast. The
glass on the stove and hearth door is resistant to high temperatures and adequate for the intended use. There is a
thermometer on the stove glass.
Tightenings are made without the use of asbestos. Cast and brass parts are protected with heat resistant colour, and
there is a chrome coating on some positions (handles, gallery).