To close the NEXHO-IC fire detector, align the arrow that is engraved on
the detector head next to the pilot light with the mark engraved on the side
of the base. Turn the head clockwise until the arrow lines up with the two
marks engraved on the base.
The fire detector NEXHO-IC will emit an audible warning signal upon
detection of a fire in the room where it has been placed.
Please note that the fire detector must be configured
together with the NEXHO-NT internet control module or the
NEXHO-UC central control unit so that the detector is
installed in the system and can be controlled from one of
these control units. For that purpose, consult the section on
how to install fire detectors in your automation network in the
user manual of the NEXHO-NT internet module or the
NEXHO-UC central unit.
Once the device has been configured in the home-automation
system, it is advisable to install an audible warning alarm for
interior spaces connected to a NEXHO-CR power-control
module. Please consult the user manual of either the NEXHO-
NT internet module or the central control unit to learn how to
configure the security mode so that it activates the audible
warning alarm in case of detection.