Fargo Electronics, Inc.
DTC400 Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 2.2)
Section 12: Fargo Technical Support ________________________________________ 12-1
Contacting Fargo Technical Support____________________________________________________ 12-1
Reading the Serial Numbers on a Fargo Printer ___________________________________________ 12-2
Finding out when a Fargo Card Printer was manufactured ________________________________ 12-2
Reviewing Example No. 1: Serial Number 80453289____________________________________ 12-2
Reviewing Example No. 2: Serial Number A1280224 ___________________________________ 12-2
Section 13: Reviewing the Spare Parts List ____________________________________ 13-1
Reviewing the DTC400 Spare Parts List ______________________________________________ 13-1
Section 14: Glossary of Terms ______________________________________________ 14-1
Section 15: Index___________________________________________________________ 2