33 / 52
Field Name
Common Settings
Switch Mode
Monostable: there is only one fixed action status for door unlocking. See
“Switch-On Duration” too.
Bistable: there are two actions and statuses, door unlocking and door
locking. Each action might be triggered and changed to the other status.
After changed, the status would be kept.
default Value is Monostable
Switch-On Duration
Door unlocking time for Monostable mode only. If the time is up, the door
would be locked automatically. Default Value is 5 seconds.
Enable Card Reader
Enable or disable card reader for RFID/IC cards.
Card Reader Working
Set RFID/IC card stats:
Normal: This is the work mode, in which user can use the authorized
card can to open the door.
Card Issuing: This is the issuing mode; the swiped card will be added in
access list automatically. User could edit other parameters under EGS
Card Revoking: This is the revoking mode; the swiped card will be
deleted from Access List.
Card Reader HF
Card Data Reverse
Set the format of HF card to make the data sequence reverse to meet
with specific card.
Limit Talk Duration
If enabled, calls would be forced ended after talking time is up.
Talk Duration
The call will be ended automatically when time up. Initial Value is 120
Remote Password
Remote door unlocking password. Initial Value is “*”.
Local password
Local door unlocking password via keypad, the default password length
is 4. Initial Value is “6789”.
APP Door Open
Enable or disable the APP Door Open.
APP password
APP door unlocking password. Initial Value is “*”.
Enable Indoor Open
Enable or disable to use indoor switch to unlock the door.
Enable Access Table
Enable Access Table: enter <Access Code> for opening door during
Disable Access Table: enter <Remote Password> for opening door
during calls.
Default Enable.
Device description displayed on IP scanning tool software. Initial Value is
“i23S IP Door Phone”.