Fanvil Technology Co., Ltd
HQ Add: Level 3, Block A, Gaoxinqi Building, Anhua Industrial Park, Qianjin 1 Road, 35th District, Bao'An, Shenzhen, 518101 P.R. China
Shenzhen Tel: +86-755-2640-2199 Fax: +86-755-2640-2618 Suzhou Tel: +86-512-6592-0605 SEA Tel: +60-3-512-21997
Email: [email protected] [email protected] Beijing Tel: +86-10-5753-6809
- 43
Field Name
Input 2
Open /Close Input port2
Trigger Mode
When choosing the low level trigger (closed trigger), detect the input port 2 (low
level) closed trigger.
When choosing the high level trigger (disconnected trigger), detect the input port 2
(high level) disconnected trigger.
Response Mode Open /Close Input port2 the Remote Response
Output Settings
Output 1/2
Open/close, Output 1/Output 2
Output Level
When choosing the low level trigger (NO: normally open), when meet the trigger
condition, trigger the NO port disconnected.
When choosing the high level trigger (NO: normally close), when meet the trigger
condition, trigger the NO port close.
Changes in port, the duration of. The default is 5 seconds.
Output Trigger Mode: There are many kinds of trigger modes, multiple choices.
Input port1
When the input port1 meet to trigger condition, the output port1 will trigger(The Port
level time change, By < Output Duration > control)
Input port2
When the input port2 meet to trigger condition, the output port2 will trigger(The Port
level time change, By < Output Duration > control)
Remote DTMF
By duration
Received the terminal equipment to send the DTMF password, if
correct, which triggers the corresponding output port (The Port level
time change, By < Output Duration > control)
By Calling
During the call, receive the terminal equipment to send the DTMF
password, if correct, which triggers the corresponding output port (The
Port level time change, (By call state control, after the end of the call,
port to return the default state)
Remote SMS
In the remote device or server to send instructions to ALERT=[instructions], if correct,
which triggers the corresponding output port
Call state trigger
The port output continuous time synchronization and trigger state changes, including
the trigger conditions: 1, call; 2, call and singing; 3, singing; three models. (for
example: the call trigger output port, will be in conversation state continued to output
the corresponding level)
Emergency key
When the emergency call button to trigger the equipment shell, which triggers the
corresponding output port(after the end of the call, port to return the default state)