Adding Start-Up Chemicals
You should have an adequate supply of chemicals on hand for your hot tub. You should familiarize yourself with
the necessary types and amounts of chemicals to maintain your water at clean and healthy levels. Your dealer
should stock the necessary chemicals and is a good source of information on chemicals, procedures, and testing
conditions in your area.
NOTE: The importance of the chemical balance in the hot tub can not be over-emphasized.
It may be necessary to replace the hot tub’s water every 3 to 6 months. The frequency depends on a number of
variables including the frequency of use, number of users, attention paid to water quality maintenance, if equipped
with an ozone unit, etc. You will know it is time for a change when you cannot control studding and/or you can no
longer get the normal feel or sparkle to the water, even though the key water balance measurements are all within
the proper parameters.
CAUTION: Never store spa chemicals inside the spa’s equipment bay!
PH is a measure of water acidity. On a scale of 0 to 14, 7.6 is the ideal point of balance. A measurement below 7.2
indicates that your water is more acidic. This water condition results in corrosion of the equipment’s metal
components. A measurement above 7.8 indicates that your water is more alkaline. This water condition causes
calcium deposits and scaling in the equipment and hot tub. Both conditions are detrimental and cause damage.
NOTE: Calcium deposits can also cause a restriction of air and water through your jets. Using a
stain & scale remover regularly, will greatly reduce the chance of this occurring.
Granulated chlorine must be used to remove bacteria and other organic matter from the water. Little or no chlorine
causes water to turn green and unhealthy. Too much chlorine causes water to smell pungent, irritates the eyes and
skin, and can cause damage to the heater tube on the power pack.
NOTE: Improper pH will destroy the pump seals and heater elements. Damage to components
caused by improper pH balance or other improper chemistry will not be covered under warranty.
Fantasy Spas strongly discourages the use of chemicals that contain Hydrogen Peroxide. Hydrogen
peroxide will eventually cause the light body and lenses (used on all spas) to become brittle and
*Read all labels on chemicals— Do not use any products that omit usage in hot tubs or with